9/22/2014 6:10:17 PM10/26/2017 21:42:35Suggestionsuggea 9/22/2014 6:10:17 PM
User Image Albert Tatlock
suggea9/22/2014 6:10:17 PMSuggestion

ID: 60028

With the recent surge in smart watch types and availability, one function I would like to see on these is to automatically measure the Hydration level of the wearer. This could be used to notify the wearer if they were becoming Dehydrated, and allow them to take action before it becomes an issue.

WaterI don't know if there is a skin contact method of doing this, other than the pinch skin test. I believe measuring the salt/water ratio of urine is a method (no, that is not a potential solution smiley). Can the salt/water ratio of sweat also be an indicator?

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