ID of the Category associated with this location.
Name of this Location. This is a required field, with a maximum of 30 characters. This field is normally shown below the Category Name in Category Browser or Breadcrumb displays.
Short description of this Location. This is an optional field, with a maximum of 255 characters.
An optional image used in the Category Location display for this Location. This is blank by default. When set by downloading an image, the image will be sized to a maximum 128 pixels wide and 96 pixels high. The aspect ratio of the original image will be retained.
This determines the current Status of the location. Click Status for more details.
This determines the current User Status of the location. Click User Status for more details.
This defines a link to an optional external URL, which can be accessed by clicking the Location Logo. When set, the Logo will show a blue border when selected or hovered over. The link caption will show the URL accessed if the Icon is clicked. The link will open in a new window.
This sets who can add a Child Location to the Location. If True, anyone can add a location within the defined limits. If False, only the Location Owner or the administrator can add Child Locations. Currently by default this is True when the location is created. This can be changed by the Location Owner or by the administrator.
This determines whether any additional Child Locations can be added to the current Location. If True, no more Child Locations can be added. This will override any Child Location Limit or Child Location Add Public settings. This can currently only be changed by the administrator.
This determines how many Child Locations can be added to the Location. The current default maximum for a User owned location is 20, which is set when the Location is first created. This may also be set to Unlimited. This can currently only be changed by the administrator.
This sets who can add a Child Location Links to the Location. If True, anyone can add a Location Link within the defined limits. If False, only the Location owner or the administrator can add Location links. Currently by default this is True when the location is created. This can be changed by the Location Owner or by the administrator.
This determines whether any additional Child Location Links can be added to the Location.(Note: These are links to other locations, as opposed to actual Children links belonging to the current location). If True, no more Child Location Links can be added. This will override any Link Child Limit or Link Child Add Public settings. This can currently only be changed by the administrator.
This determines how many Child Location Links can be added to the Location. The current default maximum for a User owned location is 10, which is set when the Location is first created. This can currently only be changed by the administrator.
This sets who can add a Child Location Links to the Location from other Parent Locations. If True, anyone can add a Location Link within the defined limits. If False, only the Location owner or the administrator can add Location Links. Currently by default this is True when the location is created. This may also be set to Unlimited. This can be changed by the Location Owner or by the administrator.
This determines whether this Location can be added as a Child Link Location with another Location as its Parent. If True, this location cannot be added as a Child Link Location for any other Location. This will override any Link Parent Limit or Link Parent Add Public settings. By default, this is unlocked. This can currently only be changed by the administrator.
This determines how many Child Locations Links can link to this Location from other Parent Locations. The current default maximum for a User owned location is 10, which is set when the Location is first created. This may also be set to Unlimited. This can currently only be changed by the administrator.
This sets who can add an Entry to the Location. If True, anyone can add an Entry within the defined limits. If False, only the Location Owner or the administrator can add Entries. Currently by default this is True when the location is created. This can be changed by the Location Owner or by the Administrator.
This determines whether any additional Entries can be added to the current Location. If True, no more Entries can be added. This will override any Entry Limit or Entry Add Public settings. This can currently only be changed by the administrator.
This determines how many Entries can be added to the Location. The current default maximum for a User owned location is 50, which is set when the Location is first created. This may also be set to Unlimited. This can currently only be changed by the administrator.
This determines how many Flyer Entries can be added to the Location. The current default maximum for a Location is 3, which is set when the Location is first created. This can currently also be changed by the Location Owner or Administrator. If set to 0, no Flyer Entries will be allowed. This limit is a subset of the Entry Link Limit, and Flyer Entries are counted against both limits. This limit cannot be more than the Entry Link Limit.
This determines the lifespan of Flyer Entries added to the Location. The current default for a location is 14 days, which is set when the Location is first created. This can currently also be changed by the Location Owner or Administrator. If set to -1, any flyer will never expire. If a link expires, it is automatically disabled (Expired status). If not renewed, the flyer link may be deleted after a period of time.
This determines how Entries or Solutions linked to the Location are shown in the Home page, or when Inclusive is selected for Entries or Solutions for other Locations. The default is False, which means that the Entries or Solutions for the location will be shown in the Home Page and in higher level Locations when Inclusive is selected. If set to True, the Entries or Solutions for this Location will not be shown in any Location other than the linked Location. This does NOT impact the display of Entries or Solutions for any Child Locations or Child Links of the current Location.
This determines how Flyer Entries or Flyer Solutions linked to the Location, its Child Locations, or its Child Links are shown in the Location's lists. The default is True, which means that Flyer Entries or Solutions will be shown in the Location's lists, with the usual Inclusive criteria. If set to False, no Flyer Entries or Solutions will be shown in any Location's lists.